


Yesterday at Umass Amherst I attended a unity rally and solidarity march for the LGBTQ community and Umass basketball player Derrick Gordon.

Overall, the entire day was unbelievably moving. So many people (students, faculty, community members) were present demonstrating that love is more powerful than hate.

I want to note that I agree with one of the speakers who said she can’t wait for the day when sexuality is not news worthy,  but the president of the Pride Alliance said something that put it into perspective for me. What Gordon has done, and what people here are doing is showing support that may help many people live another day. Not all communities are as supportive as the one I live in currently, but showing this support now can help many people who don’t have local support. 

The display of unity and love for the most basic human desire was so moving.

I am so proud and lucky to live in such an amazing place surrounded with so many amazing people.

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